The uniqueness of Auschwitz. A public debate on the use of history.


  • Enzo Traverso Universidad de Picardie


Germany, Holocaust, Jews, memory, history


This article analyzes the different definitions of the concept of Holocaust´s “uniqueness”. This concept was not originally created as a new methodological research tool but as a response to questions regarding the Holocaust, emerged at the center of Western historical conscience. It is an idea essentially related to the public use of history. The author establishes a distinction between the absolute “uniqueness” of Nazi extermination camp survivors´ memories and the relative “uniqueness” of historical events analyzed by researchers, who must make comparisons and place events in a global context.


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How to Cite

Traverso, E. (2004). The uniqueness of Auschwitz. A public debate on the use of history. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 11(31), 7–22. Retrieved from