Vol. 71 (2017): Español


Pamela Cevallos
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Quito, Ecuador.

Published 2018-10-23


  • Prácticas artísticas,
  • Apropiación,
  • Arte precolombino,
  • Hacer materialidad


In this article I propose an approach to the epistemological and methodological possibilities of artistic practices from the contributions of anthropology that review the disciplinary tradition of the anthropology of art and material culture studies. In this sense, “Art,” its products and networks of circulation are not an object of study, instead artistic practice is considered a space for knowledge production. Through the work of the artist María Inés González del Real, who has produced jewelry and textiles from her experience and research on Pre-Columbian cultures, I will analyze how experience and materiality can report other sensorial, aesthetic, and cultural senses beyond the discourse, and finally, what this perspective implies for ethnographic objectification.


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