Vol. 76 (2019): Español

Español Español

Español Español

Published 2020-02-14


  • Español


Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxóchitl was a seventeenth-century chronicler who wrote about ancient Mesoamerican history and the conquest of Mexico. His works are important sources for our understanding of indigenous society before the arrival of the Spaniards, but at the same time he published studies that detail the colonial circumstances in which he wrote these works. This article analyzes how he described the indigenous tlatoque (kings), especially among the Texcocans, during the Spanish conquest in his Decimatercia relación. It reveals how this author was highly aware and careful in using terms such as emperor, king, lord, and captain, because these titles were intimately linked to political legitimacy, which had ties to the rights of his own ancestors.


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