Vol. 79 (2020): Español


Español Español

Published 2020-08-31


  • Español


This paper explores the role of the wetlands of the Antigua Ciénega de Tlaxcala as areas of intensive food production for the support of the institutional apparatuses of Tlaxcallan during the Late Postclassic (1250-1519 AD). Current archaeological, historical and agricultural information is analyzed to estimate agricultural production capacity. Data includes the distribution of soils associated with wetlands, the indigenous technology used for wetland exploitation, settlement patterns during pre-Hispanic and colonial times, and geopolitical boundaries of altepemeh (state-level political entities) settled in the Puebla-Tlaxcala valley. Results suggest that wetlands represented a crucial economic base for the institutional economy of Tlaxcallan at a time of serious regional and interregional conflicts.


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