Vol. 81 (2021): Español

Español Español

Español Español

Published 2021-04-30


  • Español


This article explores how uncertainty is expressed during a psychiatry academic session. It looks into how psychiatrists and psychiatry resident doctors deal with uncertainty. What mechanisms or tools are employed to dissipate it or manage it? This work is part of a broader research in clinical contexts that seeks to analyze and interpret the activity strips that constitute them, as well as to account for intersubjective interactions related to specific health problems. This study uses an ethnographic approach that is supported by narrative methods. Results are analyzed employing some of Erving Goffman’s concepts around “frame analysis”. Some types of uncertainty found are communicational, conceptual, bureaucraticadministrative, and those referring to the limits of psychiatric knowledge. The mechanisms that psychiatrists use to face uncertainty are knowledge, the discussion between peers and senior doctors, the use of drugs, hospitalization as a way of monitoring and, above all, the effect of time in hope that it dilutes doubts. The different degrees, moments, and ways of solving doubts in psychiatric clinical practice depend on the place that the actors have in the field and their frames of reference.


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