Vol. 83 (2021): Dimensión Antropológica

Craadet: defensa del territorio en La Montaña de Guerrero, México

Iván Oropeza Bruno
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-UAM-Iztapalapa.

Published 2021-12-31


  • Conflictos socio-ambientales,
  • resistencias,
  • territorio,
  • xàbò mè’phàà,
  • Montaña de Guerrero,
  • extractivismo
  • ...More

How to Cite

Craadet: defensa del territorio en La Montaña de Guerrero, México. (2021). Dimensión Antropológica, 83, 129-150. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/dimension/article/view/21088


This article presents my experience in the struggle process of the mè’phàà and tu’un savi peoples of the Mountain region of Guerrero State opposite to the mining concessions, The origin of which is in opposition to the project to create the Biosphere Reserve, which was intended to cover about 160,000 hectares of the territory that they have inhabited ancestral. This struggle resulted in the formation of the Regional Council of Agrarian Authorities in Defense of the Territory; community organization that allows to establish a relation of work and cooperation between the different Agrarian Nuclei in order to report in the first moment on the possible aftereffects of the project of the reservation, and later on the affectations of the various mining projects concessioned within its territory. The exhibition also shows my collaboration in one of the strategies and at the same time mechanism of defense of their territories: the creation of communal statutes.


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