Español Español


  • Español Español Español




This essay describes and analyses the religious conversion of the lineage Pasinsa in the township of Chenalho’ in the Highlands of Chiapas, from the traditional Maya-religion to the Presbyterianism in the late 50s and the 60s of the XX Century. Different external and internal factors which formed breeding ground to the collective conversion are mentioned: the marginal position of the lineage and its desire to attain a leadership, the proselytism activities of the north american missionaries, indigenous policies of the Mexican government, among others. The individual conversion of one of the leaders of the new religious movement is analyzed in terms of such concepts as “seeing-as” change of aspect” of Ludwig Wittgenstein, “cultural innovators” and their “strategies” of Frederik Barth and “role-distance of Erving Goffman. This essay examines as well the results of the conversion, both for the neophytes and the next generation: the establishment of the new community in 1965- Chibtik, the agrarian expansion of the allied lineages, their migration to the cities, the adaptation to the more modern form of life.


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How to Cite

Español, E. (2020). Español Español. Dimensión Antropológica, 79, 93–121. Retrieved from


