El Objeto como Portador de Información
Sin resumen.
McClung Fleming, Edward. "Artifact Study: a Proposed Model'', en T.J., Schlereth, ed., Material
Cultural Studies in America, Nashville, 1982.
Pearce, Susan. Museums, Objects and Collections: a Cultural Study, Leicester, 1992.
Kingery, David. Learning from Things: Method and Theory of Material Culture Studies, Washington, 1996.
Maroevic, lvo. lntroduction to Museology, Munich, 1998.
Mensch, Peter van. "Methodological Museology, or Towards a Theory of Museum Practice",
en S. Pearce, ed., New Research in Museum Studies 1, Londres, 1990.
Cultural Studies in America, Nashville, 1982.
Pearce, Susan. Museums, Objects and Collections: a Cultural Study, Leicester, 1992.
Kingery, David. Learning from Things: Method and Theory of Material Culture Studies, Washington, 1996.
Maroevic, lvo. lntroduction to Museology, Munich, 1998.
Mensch, Peter van. "Methodological Museology, or Towards a Theory of Museum Practice",
en S. Pearce, ed., New Research in Museum Studies 1, Londres, 1990.
Cómo citar
Mendez Peterson, A. (2001). El Objeto como Portador de Información. Gaceta De Museos, (23-24), 16–20. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/gacetamuseos/article/view/14473