No 40 (2023): GacetINAH Chihuahua
Issue Description
Olga Adriana Hernández The INAH Chihuahua Center shares the new publication of its monthly magazine GacetINAH number 40, which addresses in its first article the historical review of the Government Palace of the city of Chihuahua, a symbol of identity. It mentions the details of its construction as well as its architectural design. In our editorial, teachers and parents are recognized for their commendable work in favor of teaching history and culture to children. As well as the importance of basic education students getting involved in recreational activities related to regional history and culture. Continuing with the theme of the cultural heritage of Chihuahua, it is described in a brief chronicle about the events that were held by the INAH Chihuahua Center during the month of September. Another topic is the conclusion and last part of the article “August 9th, International Day of Indigenous Peoples: Erratic interculturality” where the experiences of asymmetry and inequality suffered by the indigenous peoples of Chihuahua are narrated.
Another article refers to a small, but mysterious funerary monument in the Parque Revolución; whose research refers to relevant historical data.
The relationship between the Industrial Revolution and progress in the study of archeology is the main topic of another of the magazine's articles. Likewise, we can mention the article that addresses art as a form of therapeutic expression that gives identity, in which women from indigenous communities in Ciudad Juárez lived the experience of painting and tracing their emotions, desires and traits.
In our Chihuahua Photographs segment, the Photo Library shares the image of the monument alluding to the battle of Tres Castillos, built in 1910.
And to conclude this issue we will meet Manuel Rodrigo Ramos, custodian of Cueva Grande in the municipality of Madera, Chihuahua.
COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS, Year 4, no. 40, October-2023, is a monthly publication edited by the INAH Chihuahua Center. Avenida Paseo Bolívar no. 608 Col. Centro, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, C.P. 31000, tel. (614) 4103948,, Responsible editor Mariana Mendoza Sigala. Reservations of Rights to Exclusive use (in process) Both granted by the National Copyright Institute, Legality of Title and content no. (in process), granted by the Qualifying Commission for Illustrated Publications and Magazines of the Ministry of the Interior. SEPOMEX Permit (in process) Digital publication with digital distribution. All contents of this publication are the responsibility of its authors.