Publicado 2014-11-30
Cómo citar
Intangible cultural heritage management and safeguarding in Indonesia. (2014). Hereditas, 21-22, 6-15.
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- UNESCO 2003 Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Article 2, Paragraph 1.
- Concise Oxford Dictionary.
- UNESCO 2003 Convention, ibid, Article 2, Paragraph 3.
- ASEAN and Directorate for History and Archeology, Underwater Cultural Heritage, Jakarta: 2007.
- Pradipta, Dr. Budya, The Arjuna of Java and of India, Ph.D Thesis, Delhi University, 2000, unpublished.
- 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as Amended (2002), Article 32, Paragraphs (1) and (2).
- Sanggar Redi Waluyo, directed by the late Ki Kamsu Redi Wiguno, now by Sri Rahayu Setyowati.
- Inscribed as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2003, and on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2008.
- Arjuna Wiwaha, quoted in Pradipta, Dr. Budya, ibid.
- Haryonoguritno, Haryono, Keris Java: Antara Misik dan Nalar, JakartaL 2006.
- Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific, a UNESCO Category 2 Centre in Republic of Korea.
- Dr. Muchlis Paeni reports that many texts from South Sulawesi Province which he had previously catalogued in private collections have now disappeared, reportedly purchased by treasure
- hunters from a neighbouring country.
- UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects (Rome, 1995) is the international treaty on the subject of cultural property protection. It attempts to fill gaps of the 1970 UNESCO Convention (UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property) which lies at its core.
- Pradipta, Dr. Budya, The Arjuna of Java and
- of India, Ph.D Thesis, Delhi University, 2000, unpublished.
- Kris is an original element of Indonesian cultural heritage in the form of a dagger of assymetric and detailed form, containing the cultural values of tradition, social function, art, philosophy and mystique. For more than 100 years is no longer used as a functional weapon.
- Haryono Guritno, Ir. Haryono, Keris Jawa, antara Nalar dan Mistik, Jakarta: Indonesia Kebangaanku, 2005.
- Batik Indonesia, Nomination File for the Representative List, 2008.
- Centre for Research and Development of Culture, Saman Dance, Nomination File for the List in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, 2010.
- The present 2003 Convention compliant ICH inventory system in Indonesia prescribes update of the inventory every 2 years.
- Pradipta, Dr. Budya, ibid.
- For example, the Integrated Culture Information System of 2000, and the Culture Mapping system of 2005.
- Park, Seong-Yong, Dr., On Intangible Cultural Heritage Governance: An Asia Pacific Context, New castle-upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.
- UNESCO 2003 Convention, ibid, Article 11 Para a) and b) and Article 12.
- UNESCO 2003 Convention, ibid, Article 13
- UNESCO 2003 Convention, ibid, Article 14.
- UNESCO, Basic Texts. Operational Directives for the 2003 Convention, 2012 Edition.
- UNESCO. Forms ICH-01, ICH-02 and ICH-03.
- Centre for Research and Development of Culture, Guidebook to Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia, Jakarta: UNESCO Jakarta Office and Directorate General for Cultural
- Values, Arts and Film, 2009.
- Marijan, Kacung, Prof. Dr. Director General for Culture, Report to the Minister for Culture and Tourism upon the Inscription of 96 elements on the List of ICH of Indonesia, National Museum Jakarta, 17 October 2014.
- ISI and STSI Arts Universities in Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Denpasar.
- Sekretariat Nasional Perkerisan Indonesia, Congress Report, 2011.
- Wiramihardja, Obby A.R, Panduan Bermain Angklung Jakarta: Masyarakat Musik Angklung and Centre for Research and Development of Culture,2011.