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Historias ficticias: el dilema de los hechos y la imaginación en la novela histórica del siglo XIX
Publicado 2008-05-01
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Historias ficticias: el dilema de los hechos y la imaginación en la novela histórica del siglo XIX. (2008). Historias, 69, 97-120.
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- James Anderson, Sir Walter Scott and History, Edimburgo, 1981, pp. 5-9, 11 -36, 89-107
- John MacQueen, The Enlightenment and Scottish Literature, vol. 2, The Rise of the Historical Novel, Edimburgo, 1989, pp. 7-8, 11 -12
- Marino Berengo, Intelletuali e Librai del Milano della Restaurazione, Turín, 1980; Roy Porter, The Creation of the Modern World. The Untold Story of the British Enlightenment, Nueva York/Londres, 2000, pp. 94-95
- Louis Maigron, Le roman historique à l’époque Romantique, París, 1898, pp. 46, 90-93. Georg Lukács, The Histo rical Novel, Harmondsworth, 1981, pp. 22-26, 32-34
- Sir Walter Scott, Waverly, Oxford, 1998, vol. II, caps. XVII y XX. Sir Walter Scott, Redgauntlet, Londres, 1957, caps. XXII-XXIII.
- Jules Michelet, La Revolution Française, 7 vols., París, 1974 [1847-1853], vol I, Préface, enero 31 de 1847, p. 21
- G.P. Gooch, History and Historians in the Nineteenth Century, Londres, 1913 [Boston, 1965], pp. 10-12, 14-37
- Herbert Butterfield, The Historical Novel. An Essay, Cambridge, 1924; Helen Cam, The Historical Novel, Londres, 1961
- David Powell, “The Historical Novel. History as Fiction and Fiction as History”, en The Historian, núm. 43, otoño de 1994, pp. 13-15.
- Alessandro Manzoni, Del romanzo storico e, in genere, de’ componimenti misti di storia e d’invenzione, Milán, 1850, trad. de Sandra Bermann, Alessandro Manzoni on the Historical Novel, Lincoln/Londres, 1984, pp. 3, 63-70, 77.
- Gustave Flaubert, L’education sentimentale, París, 2001, pp. 382-524.
- Thomas Mann, Buddenbrooks, Londres, 1994 [Berlín, 1901], pp. 175-94.
- Harold Orel, The Historical Novel from Scott to Sabatini. Changing Attitudes Towards a Literary Genre, 1814- 1920, Basingstoke, 1997, pp. 13-28.
- George Levine, “Romola as Fable”, en Barbara Hardy (ed.), Critical Essays on George Eliot, Londres, 1970, pp. 78- 98, véase también, pp. 81-82.
- Felicia Bonaparte, The Triptych and the Cross. The Central Myths of George Eliot’s Poetic Imagination, Nueva York, 1979, p. 6.
- Anne Green, Flaubert and the Historical Novel. Salammbô Reassessed, Cambridge, 1982, pp. 11 -13, 30-32. Frederick Karl, George Eliot, Londres, 1995, p. 372
- James Anderson, Sir Walter Scott and History, Edimburgo, 1981, pp. 5-9, 11 -36, 89-107
- John MacQueen, The Enlightenment and Scottish Literature, vol. 2, The Rise of the Historical Novel, Edimburgo, 1989, pp. 7-8, 11 -12
- Marino Berengo, Intelletuali e Librai del Milano della Restaurazione, Turín, 1980; Roy Porter, The Creation of the Modern World. The Untold Story of the British Enlightenment, Nueva York/Londres, 2000, pp. 94-95
- Louis Maigron, Le roman historique à l’époque Romantique, París, 1898, pp. 46, 90-93. Georg Lukács, The Histo rical Novel, Harmondsworth, 1981, pp. 22-26, 32-34
- Sir Walter Scott, Waverly, Oxford, 1998, vol. II, caps. XVII y XX. Sir Walter Scott, Redgauntlet, Londres, 1957, caps. XXII-XXIII.
- Jules Michelet, La Revolution Française, 7 vols., París, 1974 [1847-1853], vol I, Préface, enero 31 de 1847, p. 21
- G.P. Gooch, History and Historians in the Nineteenth Century, Londres, 1913 [Boston, 1965], pp. 10-12, 14-37
- Herbert Butterfield, The Historical Novel. An Essay, Cambridge, 1924; Helen Cam, The Historical Novel, Londres, 1961
- David Powell, “The Historical Novel. History as Fiction and Fiction as History”, en The Historian, núm. 43, otoño de 1994, pp. 13-15.
- Alessandro Manzoni, Del romanzo storico e, in genere, de’ componimenti misti di storia e d’invenzione, Milán, 1850, trad. de Sandra Bermann, Alessandro Manzoni on the Historical Novel, Lincoln/Londres, 1984, pp. 3, 63-70, 77.
- Gustave Flaubert, L’education sentimentale, París, 2001, pp. 382-524.
- Thomas Mann, Buddenbrooks, Londres, 1994 [Berlín, 1901], pp. 175-94.
- Harold Orel, The Historical Novel from Scott to Sabatini. Changing Attitudes Towards a Literary Genre, 1814- 1920, Basingstoke, 1997, pp. 13-28.
- George Levine, “Romola as Fable”, en Barbara Hardy (ed.), Critical Essays on George Eliot, Londres, 1970, pp. 78- 98, véase también, pp. 81-82.
- Felicia Bonaparte, The Triptych and the Cross. The Central Myths of George Eliot’s Poetic Imagination, Nueva York, 1979, p. 6.
- Anne Green, Flaubert and the Historical Novel. Salammbô Reassessed, Cambridge, 1982, pp. 11 -13, 30-32. Frederick Karl, George Eliot, Londres, 1995, p. 372