About the Journal
Open Access Policy
Narrativas Antropológicas adheres to Open Access (OA) policies, a movement that advocates for peer-reviewed scientific production to be freely accessible for download and consultation. Narrativas Antropológicas does not charge authors for the submission or processing of articles for publication. All published texts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International, (CC BY-NC 4.0), which states that the material may only be used if the source is cited, respecting the moral rights of each author and the content used. The use of this material for commercial purposes is not authorized.
The funding for Narrativas Antropológicas comes from public resources, specifically through funding and transfers granted by the Mexican federal government, resulting from contributions made by individuals for common purposes.
Identity of Narrativas Antropológicas
Narrativas Antropológicas has been published semiannually since January-June 2020 and represents the effort of research professors from the Directorate of Ethnology and Social Anthropology at INAH to create a high-quality scientific journal. It aims to widely disseminate the results of research carried out both within our institution and in our country and other regions of the world.
The journal seeks to provide a platform for all areas of knowledge related to ethnology, ethnography, and social anthropology. It is open to both empirical and theoretical studies, as well as all types of narratives that reflect the everyday lives of individuals and their communities.
It strives for a more humanistic ethnological perspective of the cultural and social realities that humans build daily; focusing on descriptions that allow understanding and, to some extent, interpreting the culture with which societies today domesticate nature, shape their world, and relate to the divine.
The journal's spirit emphasizes the profound sense that animates two disciplines: it prioritizes the holistic understanding of the human being (ánthropos) and the social collective (èthnos).
The journal is intended as a space where scholars can “share,” “bring,” and “return” ethnographic knowledge through their own “narratives.”
It will feature contributions that describe moments or situations where the anthropologist is both witness and participant, in order to convey and disseminate what has been observed, as well as reflections on what human events mean for the subjects of research and for the anthropologist. Therefore, it accepts all descriptive or interpretive accounts of reality, from any analytical perspective. It seeks to express epistemological and reflective awareness, along with a fruitful interaction with historical and social disciplines, from a perspective of unity in the human sciences.
Narrativas Antropológicas promotes the dissemination of texts whose genesis and development reflect the unique characteristics of anthropological knowledge production, highlighting the clear connection between theoretical work and ethnographic experience, fieldwork, the search for direct sources, or the ethnographic treatment of primary and secondary sources, as well as the emphasis on the living testimonies of research subjects.
While primarily aimed at professionals in the fields of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, some of its sections may be of interest to the general public.