Envy and Witchcraft as Obstacles to Community Development in Guadalupe Atenco, Estado de México
Published 2020-03-02
- brujería; envidia; noche; comunidad; solidaridad.
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Envy is sadness, sorrow or pain for the good of others, the desire to possess something that is lacking and that the other has. It is a feeling that appears in human groups that have faced it in different ways. It is considered negative and is an obstacle to promoting the construction of com- munities and relations of solidarity and mutual aid. In the Guadalupe barrio, municipality of Atenco, in the State of Mexico, there is envy for the achievements of families in this place. Envy employs witchcraft as an effective instrument to harm, by means of causing diseases. These female witches, known since pre-Hispanic times as mometzcopinqui, are among the main agents of these practices to wreak harm.
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