No. 5 (2022): Narrativas Antropológicas

Ya’ah ché wah, “ceiba tamal” and nahwah, “great tamal”: Women in the preparation of the ritual offerings among the Northern Lacandon

Published 2022-01-19


  • Lacandon, ritual offerings, gender, trees, ceiba.

How to Cite

Ya’ah ché wah, “ceiba tamal” and nahwah, “great tamal”: Women in the preparation of the ritual offerings among the Northern Lacandon. (2022). Narrativas Antropológicas, 5, 5-20.


The article offers the description of two Lacandon ritual offerings: the nahwah, (‘great tamal’) and the ya’ah ché wah (‘ceiba tamal’), about which there are no ethnographic references. The text has a dual purpose: to provide the description of the preparation of a ritual tamale that was never recorded by other anthropologists, also offering the interpretation of its symbolic meanings. In addition, to recover the role of women in Lacandon rituals, for they have occupied a marginal position in ethnographic accounts. Through the analysis of ritual offerings, different topics will be addressed: symbols and taboos related to the preparation of divine foods, the Lacandon conception of trees, the exclusion and inclusion of women in ritual processes.


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