Organizational frameworks and interactions in the clinic: Physiotherapy Unit dynamic at a neuropsychiatry hospital
Published 2024-06-25
- frame analysis, institutional devices, social interactions, clinical ethnography, Physiotherapy healthcare activities, narrative analysis.
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The aim of the study sought to elucidate the dynamics of clinical devices and their articulation with the subjectivity of the agents involved in healthcare processes. The theoretical-methodological proposal of narratives was used, as they mediate between personal experience and context, allowing the identification of shared socio-cultural meanings and significances. Relational ethnography methodology was employed using techniques of on-site observation and interviews with key informants. Narrative fragments were selected from fieldwork conducted in the Physiotherapy Unit of the tertiary hospital specialized in neuropsychiatry. The interpretative analysis of dialogical narratives attempted to demonstrate how clinical devices and organizational logics simultaneously shaped and operated in processes of care, education, research, and administration. The meanings and significances attributed by the participating agents to clinical situations combined knowledge, expectations, interests, feelings, decisions, and actions expressed in narrative plots. The findings have the potential to reconsider organizational strategies, harmonize interactional patterns, and reduce social tensions.
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