The Guadalupita Ácrata in Ojo de Agua: Invisible anarchism of everyday life in the territory
Published 2024-06-25
- anarchism, baroque ethos, gore capitalism, ludic work and politics of the imagination.
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This document participates in anarchist studies with the objective of tracing survival strategies and spontaneous life methods from the ethnographic application of the baroque ethos concept of Bolívar Echeverría, as a practice in the territory of transcolonial emancipation from the living conditions of capitalism. gore, described by Sayak Valencia. For the proposed objective, we participated in the artisan process of the Guadalupita Ácrata sign in the Ojo de Agua neighborhood, with the activation of 1) the practice of "paro" for the exercise of a playful work of free association; 2) the politics of the imagination for the improvisation of processes of subjectivation based on self-valorization; 3) a street scene of territorial life for free expression and direct action; and 5) the production of images as signs-vehicles of social mobilization, territorial action and participation in the politics of life. These processes lead to the recognition of the use value of elusive images of the social contracture, mercantile and statist.
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