Participatory video workshops and webdoc as ethnographic and narrative strategies: The case of the Fundación Guagua - Galería de la Memoria Tiberio Fernández Mafla.
Published 2024-12-02
- collective memory, visual anthropology, democratization, video documentary, counternarratives.
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The article aims to present a collaborative methodology where the dialogue between the researcher and the interlocutor’s subjectivities fosters the construction of collaborative knowledge. This is achieved through the use of participative ethnography, collaborative video-making, and observational documentary as methods for field data gathering and anthropologic research divulgation. This work branches from ethnographic findings made around a study case of Guagua Foundation, a human rights-devoted ngo that provides psychotherapeutic and judicial support to the families of the victims of forced disappearance; it describes the creation process of a webdoc Emprendedoras de memorias, in which the material from the ethnographic exploration converges with the tales crafted by the foundation’s members within the framework of and audiovisual collaborative workshop. The reflections of the article are directed towards the way in which the confluence of technology, art, memory and collaborative work have transformed the sender/receiver/spectator relationship in the contemporary image-making landscape.
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