Guidelines for Authors/Nominate an Article
(We receive articles throughout the year and publish them in our two non-themed semiannual issues).
Submission Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to ensure that their submission meets all the elements listed below. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines will be returned to the authors.
The submission is an original contribution that has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by any other journal.
The submitted text complies with the Author Guidelines.
To ensure anonymous evaluation, only the title of the contribution is included without the author's name, and the body of the text follows the specified lengths in these Author Guidelines. If authors are mentioned or cited within the text, this information must be deleted and replaced with "author(s)" as appropriate. Details will be integrated if the article is accepted for subsequent publication.
Submission Attachments. Attachment 1. Curriculum vitae for each author with a maximum of 120 words. Include full name, institutional affiliation or professional activity.
Submission Attachments. Attachment 2. Images for figures (photographs, diagrams, schematics, tables, drawings, etc.) can be included in the text, depending on the section of the journal in which the submission is made, in TIFF or JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi in letter size and with authorship information. If the images are not created by the author of the work, a document authorizing their publication must be attached. Files for this attachment are submitted separately, numbered consecutively according to the order in the figure captions list; tables, charts, diagrams: in Word, letter-size document, Arial font size 12). All graphics should be numbered according to the order in the list of figure captions.
The author must have the appropriate permissions for reproducing the images and/or reference the sources from which they were acquired; as well as mention the corresponding credits for each figure, including the individuals who took or recorded the images, those who conducted the analyses and interpretation of results, etc.
"If the author has their ORCID registration, they should include it. In case they don't have it and the article gets approved, they must process it at:
Verify that your work complies with the Editorial Policy and Guidelines for Submission.