No. 3 (2017): La constitución política de 1927 y sus escenarios

Mexico’s Languages as a Focus of Teaching and Study around 1917

Bárbara Cifuentes G.
Dirección de Lingüística, INAH
María del Carmen Herrera M.
Dirección de Lingüística, INAH

Published 2017-12-31


  • lengua nacional,
  • lenguas indígenas,
  • México 1917,
  • educación pública,
  • institucionalización de la lingüística

How to Cite

Mexico’s Languages as a Focus of Teaching and Study around 1917. (2017). Antropología. Revista Interdisciplinaria Del INAH, 3, 3-17.


The use of Spanish by the Mexican government made it the responsibility of the Mexican people to communicate in this language. It's role as a national language was supported by the liberal ideals of equality under the law and the brotherhood of citizens. Therefore, during Porfiro Díaz’s administration, the use of Spanish became mandatory in all rural schools. Fulfilling this requirement was difficult due to the density and heterogeneity in the distribution of multilingualism in the country, resulting in the emergence of a variety of educational solutions. This article explains the orientation of some of the linguistic projects of this time.


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