Decolonizando la antropología en el Antropoceno: (re)imaginando acciones y respuestas colectivas frente a la crisis socioecológica


  • María Inés Carabajal et al.


postnormal anthropology, diplomacy, imagination, collective action, socioecological crisis.


The article aims to present the results of a collective debate on the Anthropocene and the contributions of anthropology, both for critical reflection and conceptualization, as well as for taking action in a context of civilizational crisis. We propose the analysis of the Anthropocene, in the light of the convergence of post-normal Anthropology and ontological diplomacy, as moto paradigms to question some of the assumptions and narratives on which the current socio-ecological crisis is based. This article arises as a collective response based on the premise that writing in multiple voices is a necessary and challenging step in the decolonization of the Anthropocene and our disciplinary practices.


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How to Cite

Carabajal et al., M. I. (2024). Decolonizando la antropología en el Antropoceno: (re)imaginando acciones y respuestas colectivas frente a la crisis socioecológica . Antropología. Revista Interdisciplinaria Del INAH, (13), 93–106. Retrieved from