No. 45 (2019): Los conventos de monjas, arquitectura y vida cotidiana, del virreinato a la posmodernidad

Más allá de la sonoridad: huellas del pensamiento musical en el convento de Jesús María de México

Sarah Finley
Universidad de Christopher Newport, Virginia, Estados Unidos de América

Published 2020-12-04


  • Music, Sound Studies, Music Philosophy, Convent of Jesús María

How to Cite

Más allá de la sonoridad: huellas del pensamiento musical en el convento de Jesús María de México . (2020). Boletín De Monumentos Históricos, 45, 68-81.


During the viceregal period, music and other sound practices were an important part of spiritual and daily life in nunneries in New Spain. The convent of Jesús María of Mexico boasted one of the most acclaimed sound cultures in the region. Thus, it can serve as a model for examining monastic music. This article considers the relationship between the convent’s auditory environment and so-called musical thought for two aims: to broaden critical approaches to convent music culture and to respond to the problematic way that current scholarship distances musical practice from its philosophical complements.


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