El Real Monasterio de Jesús María de México. De la exclaustración a su restauración definitiva
Published 2020-12-04
- Restoration, nuns, Conceptionists
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The story of secularization and the path toward the restoration of this Conceptionist community—the fourth founded in Mexico City of the first female order in the New World—shows the feelings and experiences of these nuns. On February 13, 1861, the nuns of the Royal Monastery of Jesús María were forced to leave the convent and in 1863 they suffered definitive expulsion. Their struggle to recover and continue their history is described. Mother María Guadalupe de Jesús Sacramentado set out to rescue the community and she achieved its restoration in 1963. Verbal, written, photographic, sculptural, and pictorial testimony are the contributions of these nuns to the history of Mexico.