No. 15 (2021): Con-temporánea
Expediente H

La guerra del narco y la práctica del fotoperiodismo en Coahuila

Published 2022-06-21


  • photojournalism, violence, image, drug trafficking, Coahuila.

How to Cite

La guerra del narco y la práctica del fotoperiodismo en Coahuila. (2022). Con-temporánea, 8(15), 154-170.


This text aims to investigate contemporary conceptions related to the study of journalistic and documentary photography, specifically that published in the printed media of the city of Saltillo: its new uses, displacements, reinterpretations, and at the same time, its possible place as a vehicle to communicate and reflect on the historical-social problems and cultural processes derived from the violence resulting from the war against drug trafficking. Another essential factor that animates this study is the personal need to reconfigure the vision about materials of photojournalistic origin, recognizing their genuine space and purposes: a value not underestimated to news emergencies or simple documentary record, but supported by their own visions and searches, even those that reside in their own cultural achievements, social, visual and aesthetic.


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