Destejiendo a Clio
Published 2023-01-11
- Gramsci, intellectuals, political praxis, left, Mexico.
How to Cite
Revisitar interpretaciones: Gramsci en México. (2023). Con-temporánea, 16, 13-17.
The author presents an interesting reflective journey around the reading of the book Gramsci in Mexico, published in 2020. It highlights in particular the contribution of gramscian thought as an inspiration for a generation of young people, intellectuals and various left-wing organizations of the seventies and eighties of the last century; who sought to transform reality. The study and dissemination of Gramsci's ideas made them coincide, but also branch out by constructing diverse political praxis in contexts of intense debate and political activism.
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- Fuentes, Diana y Massimo Modonesi (coords.), Gramsci en México, México, UAM / UNAM / Itaca, 2020.
- Fuentes, Diana, “Cómo, cuándo y quién ha traducido y editado a Gramsci en México”, en Diana Fuentes y Massimo Modonesi (coords.), Gramsci en México, México, UAM / UNAM / Itaca, 2020, p. 13.
- Ortega, Jaime, “La centralidad de la política: Carlos Pereyra, lector de Gramsci”, en Diana Fuentes y Massimo Modonesi (coords.), Gramsci en México, México, UAM / UNAM / Itaca, 2020, p. 119.
- Ortega, Joel, “Estudios gramscianos sobre hegemonía, estado y subalternidad (2000-2018)”, en Diana Fuentes y Massimo Modonesi (coords.), Gramsci en México, México, UAM / UNAM / Itaca, 2020, p. 249.
- Pereyra, Carlos, “Estado y sociedad civil”, Cuadernos Políticos, núm. 21, México, 1969, p. 66.