No. 17 (2022): Con-temporánea
Expediente H

La Kulturkampf en México. Glosa a Gramsci

Published 2023-07-06


  • Kulturkampf, secularization, church, obscurantism, oligarchy, National State, freemasonry, anarcho-syndicalists, clergy, army, landowners, family, body.

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The author analyzes the issue of secularization in México, regarding the formulation of Antonio Gramsci —in his Prison notebooks— of the concept of Kulturkampf, referring to México and Latin America of the first decades of the twentieth century. It deals with the history of the wars of reform, up to the War of the Cristeros, under a long-term perspective to problematize and subject to scrutiny the tensions between the private sphere related to that of public education, the family and the body; all this within the framework in which the national state is built and developed.


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