No. 1 (2015): Conversaciones... con Paul Philippot

Paul Philippot, o restauro arquitetônico no Brasil e o tempo

Beatriz Mugayar Kühl
Investigadora Asociada del Núcleo de Apoyo a la Investigación - Sao Paulo: ciudad, espacio y memoria Universidad de Sao Paulo

Published 2017-05-25


  • Paul Philippot,
  • restoration,
  • conservation,
  • theory of restoration,
  • time

How to Cite

Paul Philippot, o restauro arquitetônico no Brasil e o tempo. (2017). Conversaciones con. , 1, 53-64.


This paper aims at reflecting on some relevant issues for present conservation by means of an analysis of some aspects of Paul Philippot’s thought, especially his considerations regarding the role of time in conservation. Therefore, the text focuses on the following aspects: subjects related to the interpretation of theoretical references in the field of restoration in Brazil; the importance of discussing those references to analyse the role of time in conservation; issues resulting from the fact of not considering the passing of time in recent interventions made in that country; finally, as a conclusion, a reflection on the traces of time in the work of art, i.e. patina.


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