Vol. 25 No. 72 (2018): El giro ontológico: un diálogo (posible) con la etnografía mesoamericanista

The sister snake. People, vipers and kinship among the Mixe peoples of Oaxaca

Published 2019-02-08


  • Mixes, Oaxaca, snakes, human-animal relations, mythology

How to Cite

The sister snake. People, vipers and kinship among the Mixe peoples of Oaxaca. (2019). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 25(72), 103-121. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/13175


This text contributes to the knowledge gathered regarding the relationship that exists between ‘environment’ and ‘cosmopraxis’ among the Mixe peoples of the Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, thus showing, through the ethnographic examination of the presence of snakes in their daily life, rituals and mythical narrations of the ayuujk, the fundamental role that snakes play in the definition and articulation of the relationship between the environment and sociability.


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