Published 2021-09-30
- 2022-02-13 (2)
- 2021-09-30 (1)
- Jade Age, Liangzhu Culture, ritual economy, shamanism, archaic state.
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Due to its extraordinary material and spiritual qualities, jades in Ancient China were venerated as a sacred material (shenwu). In the last decades an important quantity of jade objects have been discovered in a series of Late or Terminal Neolithic cultures, which are now considered as part of a separate era known as the Jade Age, although many of these finely carved lapidary artifacts belong to the category of sumptuary and ritual jades, used in luxury elite burials primarily as markers of the social rank and as ceremonial paraphernalia in shamanistic rituals. In this paper we outline the pattern of a magical-religious consumption of jades in the Liangzhu Culture of South China and emphasize its importance in the emergence of the traditional ritual system as the basis of the ethos of Chinese civilization and the formation of an early complex polity with a predominant theocratic nature which collapsed at the end of the Jade Age.
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