Vol. 28 No. 82 (2021): Homenaje a Michelle Z. Rosaldo

Cartographies Cucapah. Co-creative research on language, landscape and history in Baja California

Published 2022-03-04



  • Cucapah, participatory cartography, co-creative methodology, linguistic landscape, native history.

How to Cite

Cartographies Cucapah. Co-creative research on language, landscape and history in Baja California. (2022). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 28(82), 63-100. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/17649


In this article we describe the research process and the initial results that, based on a co-creative methodology, we constructed together with the Cucapah people residing in the communities of El Mayor Cucapá and the Cucapah Mestizo Ejido, in Baja California, Mexico, regarding the landscape, language and history of the region. We describe the conformation of the work team and the planning of the activities; the processes of choice, and the negotiation regarding the issues of most importance. We present the development of our methodological strategies: map design, narrative registration, archival work and linguistic registration. As an additional contribution, we show the coexistence of different memories and stories anchored to the landscape that show links between kinship, geographies and linguistic variants. We also show how research and actions concerning linguistic strengthening, or the reproduction of native history, arise from multidisciplinary groups and from co-production with speakers and members actually attached to the peoples or nations called, or self-styled as, indigenous.


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