Vol. 29 No. 84 (2022): Diversas temáticas desde las disciplinas antropológicas
Diversas temáticas desde las disciplinas antropológicas

Time, space and body of the Nayar

Published 2022-09-29 — Updated on 2023-04-23



  • coras, Nayar, time, body, space

How to Cite

Time, space and body of the Nayar. (2023). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 29(84), 151-179. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/18366 (Original work published 2022)


From the ethnography on the geography of La Mesa del Nayar, Nayarit, some deities of particular relevance and the annual ritual cycle, a reading is made of the understanding of the cora body and the way in which, through experience ritual, serves as a nodal point for the construction of time, space and person, as well as the interrelation between all of it. Likewise, and based on the constant “putting into the abyss” of the coras, the location of the body of the skull of the god Nayar is proposed, the same one that, together with another important deity, inhabits the center of the community. The drawing of both bodies appears, then, as a reproduction of the quincunx that organizes the diurnal world of the coras.


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