Published 2023-01-20 — Updated on 2023-04-23
- 2023-04-23 (3)
- 2023-04-23 (2)
- 2023-01-20 (1)
- Park, garden, image, representation, QR codes
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The objective of this article is to point out the relationships between digital images and the places, so I refer to Parque México as a case study and I make a cross between its representations and the ethnographic approach to the place itself. In the first section, I am interested show that, at different times in the history of the gardens, the images around them have been a constant in variouscultural contexts. In the second part, I present a succinct approach to the history of Parque México, as well as some ethnographic notes that allow me to approach the place, so that, in the last part of the text, I can address a series of images and examples that, through QR codes, allow me to generate an approximation to representations digital that go beyond the support that the reader holds in his hands. Finally, generate a crossing between Parque México and its images through an ethnographic approach hybrid than it allows me to go through its different edges.
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