Published 2023-10-26
- Antropología,
- Cosmovisión,
- Mictlantecutli
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Huesos de muerte, huesos de vida: la compleja figura de Mictlantecutli. (2023). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 1(1), 85-98.
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- Karl A. Nowotny, Tlacuilolli. Die Mexikanischen Bilderhandschiften, Stil und Inhalt, Berlín, Gebr, Mann, 1961.
- Brotherston, Iniage of the New World. The American Continent Portrayed in Native Texts, Thames and Hudson, London and New York, 1979; Book of the Fourth World. Reading the Native Americans Through their Literature, Cambridge University Press, New York and London, 1992. Este artículo va a aparecer, en una versión aumentada, en La muerte de Mesoamérica: significación, imágenes y rituales funerarios, ed. Elizabeth Baquedano, UNAM.
- Códice Borbónico, pp. 1-20.
- Munro Edmonson, The Book of the Year, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1988.
- Códice Cospi, pp. 1-8.
- Gordon Brotherston, A Key to Mesoamerican. Reckoning of Time, British Museum, London, 1982, p. 9.
- Duncan Earle y D. Snow, «The Origin of the 260-day Calendar: the Gestation Hypothesis Reconsidered in the Light of its Use Among the Quiche Maya», Fifth Palenque Round Table, ed. V. M. Fields, Pre-columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985, pp. 241-4.
- Peter T. Furst, "Human Biology and the Origin of the 260-day Sacred Almanac: the Contribution of Leonhard Schultze Jena", en Gary Gossen (ed.), Symbol and Meaning beyond the Closed Community, SUNY, Albany, 1986, pp. 69- 76.
- Michel Launey, Introduction a la langue et á la littérature aztéques, L'Harmattan, Paris, 1979-80, 2 volúmenes, ("grossesse").
- Gutierre Tibón, La tríade prenatal: cordón, placenta, amnios. Supervivencia de la magia paleolítica, FCE, México, 1981. En el mismo capítulo de Cospi, por medio de huellas de pie, se establece para el tonalamatl la fórmula concurrente: 2(9 + 7)= 260.
- Charles E. Dibble and A. J. O. Anderson (eds.), Florentine Codex (Bernardina de Sahagún). General History of the Things of New Spain, 11 tomos, School of American Research, Santa Fe, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1950-69.
- Códice Borgia, p. 56.
- Códice Vaticanas, pp. 75-6.
- Gordon Brotherston, Book of the Fourth World. Reading the Native Antericans Through their Literatura, Cambridge University Press, New York and London, 1992.
- Frank Waters, The Book of the Hopi, Viking, New York, 1963.
- Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (1923, BAE 37th Report), University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1970, pp. 104-105.
- Primo Feliciano Velázquez (ed.), Códice Chimalpopoca: Anales de Cuauhtitlán y Leyenda de los Soles, UNAM, México, 1975, p. 14.
- Códice Florentino, libro 6, cap. 27.
- Luis Reyes, «Cantares mexicanos: Approaching the Náhuatl Text», Indiana Journal of Hispanic Literature, Bloomington, 1993, tomo 2, pp. 89-100.
- Gerdt Kutscher, Gunther Vollmer and Gordon Brotherston, Aesop in México, Gebr, Mann, Berlín, 1987, p.85.
- Códice Florentino, libro 6, caps. 24-40.
- David M. Guss, "Keeping its oral: a Yekuana Ethnology", American Ethnologist, 1986, pp. 413-429).
- Ruiz de Alarcón (J. Richard Andrews and Ross Hassig (eds.), Treatise ofRuiz de Alarcón (1629), University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1984). Andrews y Hassig notan atinadamente: "By naming Mictlan as the source of the bones, the myth presents mortality as implicit in human life"(p. 371).
- Andrews, J. Richard and Ross Hassig (eds.), Treatise of Ruiz de Alarcón (1629), U. of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1984.
- Brotherston, Gordon, Image of the New World. The American Continent Portrayed in Native Texis, Thames and Hudson, London and New York, 1979. —, A Key to Mesoamerican. Reckoning ofTime, London, British Museum, 1982. —, Book of the Fourth World. Reading the Native Americans Through their Literature, Cambridge University Press, New York and London, 1992.
- Carmichael, Elizabeth, The Skeleton at the Feast (Day of the Dead), British Museum, London.
- Dibble, Charles E. and A. J. O. Anderson (eds.), Florentine Codex (Bernardino de Sahagún). General History ofthe Things ofNew Spain, 11 tomos, School of American Research, Santa Fe, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1950-69.
- Earle, Duncan and D. Snow, «The Origin of the 260-day calendar: the gestation hypothesis reconsidered in the light of its use among the Quiche Maya», Fifth Palenque Round Table, ed. V. M. Fields, Pre-columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, 1985, pp. 241-4.
- Edmonson, Munro, The Book of Counsel: the Popal Vuh of the Quiche Maya, Tulane University Press, New Orleans, 1971. —, The Book ofthe Year, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1988.
- Fink, Ann E., «A Mopan Maya view of human existence», en D. McCaskill (ed.), Amerindian Cosmology, Brandon, Manitoba, 1989, pp. 399-414.
- Furst, Peter T.z «Human Biology and the Origin of the 260-day Sacred Almanac: the contribution of Leonhard Schultze Jena», en Gary Gossen (ed.), Symbol and Meaning beyond the Closed Community, SUNY, Albany, 1986, pp. 69-76.
- Guss, David M., «Keeping its oral: a Yekuana ethnology», American Ethnologist, 1986, pp. 413-429.
- Klein, Cecilia, «Snares and entrails. Mesoamerican symbols of sin and punishment» en RES, 19/20,1991, pp. 81-104.
- Kutscher, Gerdt, Gunther Vollmer and Gordon Brotherston, Aesop in México, Berlín, Gebr, Mann, 1987.
- Launey, Michel, Introduction d la langue et á la littérature aztéques, 2 volúmenes, L'Harmattan, París, 1979-80.
- León Portilla, Miguel, Tonalamatl de los pochteca (Códice Féjerváry), Celanese, México, 1985. —, Time and Reality in the Thought ofthe Maya, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1987.
- Molina, Fray Alonso de, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana (1571), Porrúa, México, 1977.
- Nowotny, Karl A., Tlacuilolli. Die Mexianischen Bilderhandschiften, Stil und Inhalt, Berlín, Gebr, Mann, 1961.
- Radin, Paul, The Winnebago Tribe (1923, BAE 37th Report), University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1970, pp.104-105.
- Reyes Luis, «Cantares mexicanos: Approaching the Náhuatl Text», Indiana Journal ofHispanic Literature, Bloomington, 1993, tomo 2, pp. 89-100.
- Roys, Ralph L., The Ritual of the Bacabs, Norman; University of Oklahoma Press, 1965.
- Sahagún, Fray Bernardino de, Historia General de las cosas tomo 2, Robredo, México, 1938.
- Tibón, Gutierre, La tríade prenatal: cordón, placenta, amnios. Supervivencia de la magia paleolítica, FCE, México, 1981.
- Velázquez, Primo Feliciano (ed.), Códice Chimalpopoca: Anales de Cuauhtitlán y Leyenda de los Soles,UNAM, México, 1975, p.14.
- Waters, Frank, The Book ofthe Hopi, Viking, New Yok, 1963.