Vol. 30 No. 88 (2023): Medios de comunicación e Iglesia católica en el México contemporáneo

Exploring everyday life in Guiengola: Archaeological mapping with LiDAR technology

Published 2023-11-22 — Updated on 2024-03-13



  • LiDAR, Zapotecs, Oaxaca, urbanism, cultural hybridity.

How to Cite

Exploring everyday life in Guiengola: Archaeological mapping with LiDAR technology. (2024). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 30(88), 215-239. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/20235 (Original work published 2023)


This article discusses the results of the Guiengola archaeological project, which focused on fully mapping this archaeological site. The previously unmapped site spans 300 hectares and has been discovered to be an intricate urban center. Using airborne LiDAR scanning technology, the archaeological site has been documented to show socially differentiated occupancy zones. The project has revealed valuable information about the evolution and development of this ancient settlement, including the preservation of Zapotec traditions and culture and the adoption of practices typical of the Isthmus. This study significantly advances our understanding of the daily life of the Zapotec population in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec over time.


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