Patrones de utilización de recursos durante las ocupaciones de túneles posteotihuacanos
Published 2023-11-23
- Arqueología,
- Teotihuacan,
- Período Postclásico,
- Período Epiclásico
Copyright (c) 1997 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
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Patrones de utilización de recursos durante las ocupaciones de túneles posteotihuacanos. (2023). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 4(10-11), 107-120.
The authors present evidence of biological resources used by local populations after thefall ofTeotihuacan. Extensive excavations carried outin a tunnel to the east ofthe Pyramid ofthe Sun, evidenced botanic andfaunal remains which appeared associated to Coyotlatelco, Mazapa and Aztec contexts. The evidence is used to infer changes in the use of these resources during the Epiclassic and Postclassic periods.
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