Published 2023-12-08
- Antropología
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The aim is to establish an Over View of different positions about Postmodernity from the perspective of anthropologic theory. In order to have a complete understanding of this subjects, it is necessary to explore the recently developed discourse on anthropology in different countries: The USA, where the so called Postmodern Anthropology originated; England and France, where the critical posture about the postmodern theory premises have been developed meaningfully; and finally in México, where the phenomenon of postmodernity is facing a quite promising field to develop.
- Augé, Marc. 1994 Pour une antropologie des mondes contemporains, Aubier, París. 1992 Non-Lieux, Le Seuil, París.
- Bartra, Roger. 1987 La jaula de la melancolía. Identidad y metaforfosis del mexicano, Grijalbo, México.
- Boon, James. 1990 Otras tribus, otros escribas, FCE, México.
- Clifford, James. 1997 Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. 1988 The Predicament of Culture, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
- Clifford, James, y George Marcus (editores). 1986 VJriting Culture, University of California Press, Berkeley.
- Crapanzano, Vincent. 1986 "Hermes Dilemma: The Masking of Subvertion in Ethonographic Description", en Clifford y Marcus, VLriting Culture.
- Fabian, Johannes. 1983 Time and Other, Columbia University Press, Nueva York.
- Fernandez, James (editor). 1991 Beyond Methaphor. The Theory of Tropee in Anthropology, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
- Friedman, Jonathan. 1989 "La antropología como diciembre. 1994 Cultural Identity and Global Process, Sage Publications Ltd.
- García, Canclini, Néstor. 1989 Culturas híbridas, Grijalbo, México.
- Gellner, Ernst. 1994 Postmodernismo, razón, religión, Barcelona, Paidós.
- Herzfeld, Michael. 1989 Anthropology through the Looking-Glass, Critical Etnography in the Margins of Europe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Ivy, Marilyn. 1995 Discourses ofVanishing, Modernity, Phantasm, Japan, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
- Lomnitz, Claudio. 1995 Las salidas del laberinto, Joaquín Mortiz, México. 1994 "La decadencia en los tiempos de globalización", en varios autores, De lo local a lo global. Perspectivas desde la antropología, UAM, México.
- Marcus, George, y Michael Fischer. 1986 Anthropology as Cultural Critique, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
- Ortner, Sherry B. 1984 "Theory in Anthopology since the Sixties", Comparative Studies in Society and History, número 26.
- Parkin, David. 1987 "Mythes et fantaisies post-estructuralistes", en Gradhiva, número 2, Jean Michael Place, París.
- Pinberton, John. 1994 On the Subject of "Java", Cornell University Press, Ithaca.
- Rabinow, Paul. 1977 Reflections on Berkeley.
- Reynoso, Carlos (compilador).1986 El surgimiento de la antropología postmoderna, Gedisa, México.
- Rosaldo, Renato. 1990 Cultura y verdad, Grijalbo, México.
- Taussing, Michael. 1986 Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man: A Study in Terror and Healing, North Carolina University Press.
- Tyler, Stephen. 1986 The Unspeakable: Discourse, Dialogue and Rhetoric in the Postmodern World, University of Wisconsin, Madison.