Vol. 13 No. 36 (2006): La complejidad social en el México antiguo y colonial: estudios y perspectivas

El Formativo Terminal en el Valle de Zapotitlán, Puebla: una evolución regional

Blas Román Castellón Huerta
Dirección de Estudios Arqueológicos, INAH

Published 2024-01-26


  • Arqueología,
  • Formativo,
  • Puebla

How to Cite

El Formativo Terminal en el Valle de Zapotitlán, Puebla: una evolución regional. (2024). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 13(36), 47-70. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/20578


The procese ofemerging urbanization in the Mixteca región of Oaxaca during the Late Formative period, has been thefocus of archaeological research for a long time. It is different in the nearby región of south of Puebla, where only a few studies have focused on the early urban periods. Recent surveys, and excavations in the Zapotitlan valley, especially around the Cutha hill, have provided us with new data that suggests that there was an important increase in population density around this site towards the terminal Formative period. The transition froin small villages into urban communities in the south of Puebla follows similar patterns to those described in the Mixteca región, although some decisions taken by local elites, stemmed from local social and economic considerations.


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