Vol. 13 No. 36 (2006): La complejidad social en el México antiguo y colonial: estudios y perspectivas

Arqueología de género y patrones de especialización artesanal

Walburga Maria Wiesheu Foster
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, INAH

Published 2024-01-26


  • Estratificación social,
  • Unidades domésticas,
  • Especialización,
  • Atribución de género,
  • Sociedad compleja

How to Cite

Arqueología de género y patrones de especialización artesanal. (2024). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 13(36), 139-150. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/20581


Following the introduction of a gender perspective in archaeology, efforts have been made to trace the presence of women in the material culture ofpast societies. In the framework ofa research about the dynamics that gender roles played in the changes produced within the social división of labor as well as in relation to the contexts of production and consumption in the domestic units of complex societies like state political entities, an examination in particular of the engendered división of labor allows the recognition of a differential participation in general economic processes and in the forniation ofspecific patterns of labor specialization, which also implies a discussion ofthe social status of producers. In this article it is argued that an explicit analysis of gender shoidd forrn an integral part ofany archaeological research that focuses on domestic units, both ofthe elite and other sectors ofthe society.


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