Complejidad e interacción social en el México Colonial: Identidad, producción, intercambio y consumo de lozas de tradición ibérica, con base en análisis de activación neurótica
Published 2024-01-26
- Arqueología histórica,
- Arqueología de la identidad,
- Mayólica,
- Análisis instrumentales de activación neutrónica
Copyright (c) 2006 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

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The study ofproduction technologies, especially glazed ceramics, which were introduced to the viceroyalty of New Spain after the Spanish conquest, requives an understanding of the techno-stylisic parameters need to manufacture the vessels that were related to everyday needs of the Europeans, their descendants, native, and racially mixed populations. Our approach is based on historical aichaeology to build modelsfor interpretation of social complexity and is added by the use of instrumental neutron activation analysis to characterize the ceramic wares. The latter permits us to identify the likely location of manufacturing areas. Using this combined approach we can assess the extent to which the consumption of ceramic vessels was associated with the construction of social identity, both in urban and rural New Spain and in distant zones ofthe viceroyalty that were connected via the royal road.
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