Published 2024-01-30
- Migration,
- Libaneses,
- Identity,
- Mexico,
- elites
Copyright (c) 2006 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
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Whenever we wish to reinforce a thing we natnralized it. In the case ofthe Lebaneses in México, it is its aureole of power, fame and money what the society naturalizes. The perception on the part of the Mexican society with respect to the social elitism ofthe Lebaneses, shows a set ofgeneric characteristics, where the average terms do not appear (the poor or marginalized Lebanese). The Lebanese was,from his arrival to México, an active agent ofthe construction ofhis identity. And although the familiar trapes about the Lebaneses historically are constituted, such metadiscourses transgress through the emergent performative moments of daily life. The Lebanese, like any other subject, handles his identity based on relational contexts. From the anonymity to the identity exhibition everything is possible.
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