Vol. 9 No. 24 (2002): Análisis del discurso y semiótica de la cultura: perspectivas analíticas para el tercer milenio

The network of rationality and emotion language

Stuart Shanker
Universidad de Toronto
Pedro Reygadas
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Published 2014-07-29


  • network of rationality,
  • emotion and language,
  • speech-language-psychology

How to Cite

The network of rationality and emotion language. (2014). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 9(24), 37-59. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/327


This article challenges mechanical vision of language and communication, to adopt a dinamic and complex approach. At the same time, this approach challenges the idea of the existence of an isolated module of language, demonstrating the profound links that in every level relate language to emotion in the configuration of our "web of rationality". Without emotion we cannot understand the ontogenetical and philogenetical aspects of language. Without emotion we cannot define many of the language pathologies and essential characteristics of languages, communication and cultures.


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