Desde la etnología de campo a la actividad de mediador en familias africanas de los suburbios parisinos
Published 2004-04-30
- mágico-religioso,
- bamilekes,
- brujería,
- alianza matrimonial
How to Cite
Desde la etnología de campo a la actividad de mediador en familias africanas de los suburbios parisinos. (2004). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 7(18), 27-39.
This article describes an experience in applied anthropology in the African patrilineal group of the Bamileke. Theoretical results of former research about the specificity of alliance relationships in this society, when applied to complex migrant cases, allowed a change in the subjects involved which has offered a theoretical feedback for the research of the role of magical-religious beliefs within kinship relationships.
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- Les mots, la mort, les sorts. La sorcellerie dans le bocage, Gallimard, “Biblioth que des Sciences de L´Homme”, París.
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- Pradelles de Latour, Charles-Henry
- Le crane qui parle. Deuxiéme édition de ethnopsychanalyse en pays bamiéké, EPEL, París.