Vol. 19 No. 55 (2012): La mexicanidad y el neoindianismo hoy
Diversas temáticas desde las disciplinas antropológicas

Religión o praxis religiosa en el mundo indígena. El caso rarámuri del Alto Río Conchos

Abel Rodríguez López
Escuela de Antropología e Historia del Norte de México, INAH

Published 2012-12-30


  • rarámuri,
  • tarahumara,
  • religion,
  • religation,
  • religious praxis

How to Cite

Religión o praxis religiosa en el mundo indígena. El caso rarámuri del Alto Río Conchos. (2012). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 19(55), 43-68. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/391


This article is a critique on the concept of religion used nowadays in anthropological and historical studies that have analyzed the religious perspectives of the rarámuri (or tarahumaras). By way of a dialogue between anthropology and philosophy, it is an attempt to deconstruct the said concept by proposing religious praxis, the contents of which, according to the author, seem more appropriate when making future reference to this social phenomenon between the rarámuri of the upper Conchos river.


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