La archicofradía del Santísimo Sacramento de Coyoacán. La lucha de poder entre el grupo social español-criollo y la autoridad parroquial a fines de la colonia
Published 2012-08-31
- archconfraternity,
- Spanish,
- creole,
- power,
- parish authority
How to Cite
Located in the Colonial town of Coyoacan, I will present the conflict created between the representatives of the Spanish Archconfraterntiy of the Blessed Sacrament of Coyoacan and the local Parish Authority. This proved to be a symptomatic case rather than, as in some other parishes and Brotherhoods, leading to the climate that resulted in the Buorbon Reforms of the second half of the 18th Century. Given that the Archconfraternity was an important, and possibly even the most important, group cohesion factor in the Spanish-Creole community of the lay parish, it was through this lay Association, linked to the parish, that the group actually concentrated its social capital and thus strengthened its local power. I will demonstrate how the Spanish-Creole group of Coyoacan increased its power through the Archconfraternity over and above that of the Parish Authority.