Vol. 19 No. 54 (2012): Dossier: Dimensiones transgresoras: travestis, transgénero y transexuales

Sobre lo trans: aportaciones desde la antropología

Joan Vendrell Ferré
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Published 2012-08-31


  • transsexuality,
  • gender,
  • feminism,
  • identitity,
  • anthropology

How to Cite

Sobre lo trans: aportaciones desde la antropología. (2012). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 19(54), 117-138. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/411


This paper addresses trans from an athropological persepective. It focusses particularly on transsexuality as a specific variant, or gender mainstreaming, aiming to contribute elements for understanding in relation to the order of gender in line with the contemporary medico-legal system. It analyzes the difficult relationships of transsexualism with certain sectors of the feminist movement, along with the inherent paradoxes when aiming to construct a specific transsexual identity. Finally, we dedicate some space to anthropolgical trans research, as well as its limits.


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