Vol. 11 No. 31 (2004): Raza, fobias e intolerancias

Paradoxes of ejido story: Llanito, Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato 1930-1960.

Manola Sepúlveda Garza
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Published 2004-08-01


  • suburbs,
  • peasants,
  • subordination,
  • traders,
  • property,
  • privatization
  • ...More

How to Cite

Paradoxes of ejido story: Llanito, Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato 1930-1960. (2004). Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 11(31), 169-190. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/465


El Llanito was an ejido established in 1932, amid a context of opposition against government´s politics. Given the rejection of the most part of the benefited farmers, in accordance to the classic scheme of partnership (aparcería) and subordination. These state officials didn´t share the notion of agricultural utopia, hence they began a long struggle so that the lands were not snatched by their private owners. In the municipality of Dolores Hidalgo, the idea of the ejido as an integrated nucleus, profited by the the people who work the lands, was born during process beginning at the end of the fifties.


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  1. Bartra, Armando. 1985. Los herederos de Zapata. Movimientos campesinos posrevolucionarios en México.
  2. Bartra, Armando. 1920-1980, México, Era.
  3. Meyer, Jean. 1974. “La guerra de los cristeros”, en La Cristiada, tomo I, México, Siglo XXI.
  5. Censo General de población del estado de Guanajuato, 1921.
  6. Censo agrícola, ganadero y ejidal del estado de Guanajuato, 1930.
  7. El Llanito, Dolores Hidalgo, exp. 218 y 1942; Río Laja, Dolores Hidalgo, exp. 1184. Archivo del Registro Agrario Nacional, Guanajuato.
  8. Entrevistas a los ejidatarios de El Llanito realizadas en 1998 y 2002.