Published 2019-02-08
- Feminist ethnography, Ethnographic writing, Reflexivity, Academic activism, Collaboration
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This article covers some coincidences that have been observed among several Anglo-Saxon feminist anthropologists and certain Mexican anthropologists (or anthropologists who work in Mexico), and who today form part of the “trend-school” classified as “feminist-activist anthropology.” This theoretical-political stance in anthropology -which we cover in this paper- has resulted
from the evolution and development of the relationships between feminism, anthropological research and ethnographic writing, relationships that, in turn, gave rise to an increasingly self-reflective feminist trend in ethnographic research, which encourages collaboration, prioritizes urgent social issues to be addressed politically, validates the dialogical ethnographic writing that places both those who investigate and those who are investigated in the text, whilst emphasizing the voices, opinions and the collective agency of women. Finally, an example of activist anthropology and collaboration carried out in Southern Mexico is also addressed.
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