An account of moral relations at a farm in Guanajuato State


  • Jorge Uzeta


Moral economy, exchange, community, status, finance.


This text analyzes the information included in the log book of a Guanajuato livestock farm, covering the period from February 1924, to April 1925. As a cultural object, in this accounting document, the information was organized and recorded in a way that enlightens the reader with regard to the employer’s vision of the company, using language that was midway between public and private discourse. In this sense, the aim is not to delve into the control over the productive resources, nor the “resistance” to specific forms of domination, a recurring position regarding the analysis of the relationship between agricultural laborers, tenant farmers and bosses, but rather with regard to the definition of the latter in terms of daily life in a rural space, where they themselves were based as central actors; that is, from their own highly limited perspective of what has been identified as a moral economy.


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2021-06-20 — Updated on 2022-02-13


How to Cite

Uzeta, J. (2022). An account of moral relations at a farm in Guanajuato State. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 28(80), 221–239. Retrieved from (Original work published June 20, 2021)