Between resistance and otherness.

Historic rock art in the Tetabejo Canyon, Sonora


  • Silvina Vigliani
  • Josuhé Lozada


Rock Art, 18th Century, indigenous rebels, military campaigns, human-animal relationship.


In this work we present the sites with Rock Art from the historical period of one of the most emblematic places for the rebellious Indians of Sonora: Cerro Prieto. This hill had already been visited since pre-Hispanic times by groups that mobilized in the region, leaving thousands of figures of different styles and temporalities embodied in the rock. The Tetabejo Canyon was no exception. However, something that distinguishes this canyon from the others on Cerro Prieto is the prominent presence of motifs from the historical period. We present here the main themes that they left embodied in the rock, and with them, the different interests and motivations that led these groups to paint on the rock walls. We highlight those elements and graphic details present in the various
motifs that provide clues as to their vision of otherness, concluding with a series of reflections and proposals for analysis, such as the human-animal relationship, which would allow us to delve into the perceptions and concerns of those who chose to resist.


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2022-03-04 — Updated on 2022-03-13


How to Cite

Vigliani, S., & Lozada, J. (2022). Between resistance and otherness.: Historic rock art in the Tetabejo Canyon, Sonora. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 28(82), 101–124. Retrieved from (Original work published March 4, 2022)