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Obsidian production at El Tigre, Campeche: macroscopic analysis results


  • Daniel Lozano-Briones


Macroscopic analysis, production, obsidian, chipped stone, Mayan


This article presents the results of macroscopic analysis of obsidian artifacts from Structures 1, 4, 5, and ‘La Escuela’, in the El Tigre archaeological site, in Campeche, Mexico. Emphasis is made on the way artifacts were distributed in each structure and within each of the two production-use cycles found: bifaces and blades, highlighting similarities and differences in each structure, suggesting production and use modes, and showing how the use of obsidian from different sources and of specific chipping techniques responded to preferences linked to the function of each structure.


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How to Cite

Lozano-Briones, D. (2022). Obsidian production at El Tigre, Campeche: macroscopic analysis results. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 29(84), 181–207. Retrieved from



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