El transgénero: un hipertexto


  • Xabier Lizarraga Cruchaga Dirección Antropología Física, INAH


Género, Transgénero, Hipertexto


In this essay, transgender notion is exposed by analyzing and discussing its positive aspects related to sexual-political's resistence and projection, in terms of a strategy which may allow the linking between ways of being and living in a dichotomical frame (man/ woman) and a masculine heterocentric context. At the same time, the negativo aspects are posed in terms of the fact that such notion generales indefinition of diversity, collaborating with the erasing ofthe differences, without allowing the singularities of phenomena and expressions such as transexuality, transvestism and drag.


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Sheldrake, Rupert. 1990 La presencia del pasado —resonancia mórfica y hábitos de la naturaleza—, Barcelona, Editorial Kairós.



How to Cite

Lizarraga Cruchaga, X. (2024). El transgénero: un hipertexto. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 8(23), 51–66. Retrieved from https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cuicuilco/article/view/20501